CNC-CT Predoctoral Trainee Application By checking this box, you acknowledge that you understand the commitments involved with the CNC_CT Fellowship. Predoctoral Trainee ApplicationLast name*First name*Email address*Your Division/Academic Program (e.g., SLHS; DEV; PAC; and CLIN)*Your Mentor's name (note that Mentors who are not yet part of CNC-CT must submit a separate "CNC-CT" Mentor Application"*Please tell the committee why you would like to be a CNC-CT Trainee.*Reflect upon how your previous experience and training and/or ultimate career goals involve cognitive neuroscience methodologies and theories, and how these are related to communication disorders broadly construed (dyslexia, deafness, aging, autism, developmental language disorders [DLD] and other developmental disorders, aphasia, traumatic brain injury, etc.).Briefly describe any quantitative or computational skills (coursework, programming languages, software competencies) you have acquired. Please state your goals for acquiring computational skills*Briefly describe any experience with or interests in research with clinical populations, especially people who experience communication disorders (speech, language, or hearing). Experience can be either formal (e.g. coursework, clinical training) or informal (e.g., observation)*We are committed to increasing the participation of underrepresented groups in this program. Do you belong to a group that is underrepresented in academia? Examples include underrepresented minorities, people with disabilities, first-generation college graduates, or people from low income family backgrounds. If you belong to another group you believe may be underrepresented, please list it here. All answers will be confidential.*YesNoPrefer not to answerPlease list your underrepresented group here.Please upload your CV here:*Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 250 MB.CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.